How To Get Unstuck 
Free Video Course 
A Freebie Just For You Mama! 
4 Simple Steps To Help You Get Unstuck  



A 4-step system created for working moms who want to shine in all 9 areas of life, clear their plates, and finally go after what they want — with a clear heart and a clear mind. 

As a working mom, you’re used to being all things to all people - at home, in your extended family, and at work. And, damn, you make it look easy. 

But I have to ask…

When was the last time you had a few minutes to yourself to think about what YOU want? To take stock of where YOU are personally? To make plans for actually getting what YOU want?

Been a while? I get it, and I’m here to help.

The number one thing really standing in your way? It’s not time or resources. 

It’s that you’re stuck. You don’t take the time for yourself and your big dreams because you don’t know how to make space for you. We’re about to change that!
Here’s how it works...

LESSON 1 - Rubber Balls and Glass Balls

I’ll teach you the glass ball rubber ball method and how you can use it to make the most of the 9 main areas of a working mom’s life — from your career, to your health, to your family and your marriage. What’s working well? What needs to change? This lesson will give you the raw data you need to improve every area of your life. 

LESSON 2 - When to say YES! And When To Politely Decline

You’ll discover how to quickly know if you should say “heck yes” or politely decline the requests on your precious time and energy.  

LESSON 3 - How To Get MORE Done by Doing Less 

By this point, that familiar overwhelm is probably creeping in... you’ll learn to stop it in its tracks and use my DEBAC method to put some more of those balls down. This lesson will help you clear out your agenda so you can focus on what matter most to you. 

LESSON 4 - The Trick To Delegation 

If you've still got more balls in the air than you’d like, which, let’s face most of us mamas do, not to worry. You’ll learn about a simple but powerful way to understand the right and wrong things to delegate. 


Yours today for only $0

Hi, I’m Whitnee, and just like you, I’ve been caught in the constant tug-of-war of being a woman with many roles and high expectations for herself... 
I’m an entrepreneur and career woman, a mom and partner, an influencer and a leader in the corporate world. 

I absolutely love this full life of mine, but it hasn’t always been that way... 

I was once on an endless treadmill of to-dos, leading to nowhere — except burnout and resentment. 

I tried to be everything to everyone, over-committing, saying yes, when I wanted to say no. Then, I let everyone down (including myself). 

I knew my situation (basically, my life) was not sustainable. I simply couldn't go on this way. And I searched for a better way...believe me I tried and tested all of the things I thought might help.   

But I found that nothing quite fit the working mom’s life. So, I set out to make my days, my career, and my life better. 

That’s how I discovered systems and techniques that every working mom can use to design the fulfilling career path and vibrant life she wants and deserves. And I founded The Savvy Working Mom to help moms just like you.

Ultimately, I’m a real-life working mom who knows what it takes to create the career and life you love, and I’m on a mission to help as many women as possible do exactly that.

Now, it’s your turn...
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